Analyse, Improve, Innovate

Matteo Gabba

 Data Scientist - R&D Specialist - Python Developer

"I help companies to adapt and evolve in a quickly changing environment"

About me

I am talented scientist with a solid background in physics, chemistry and life sciences.

As an academic researcher, I shot "pictures" and "movies" of  single proteins at work with cutting edge microscopy techniques.

In 2017, I started working as a freelancer data scientist.

I focus on the customization of high-quality solutions for companies in the (bio)chemical, food, life-science, high-tech and med-tech sectors.

My passion and expertise lie in:


Analyse & Solve problems with a data-driven approach.

Improve & Optimize processes by making them more efficient and reliable. 

Innovate following a scientific approach.


Portal Biotech B.V. - Biotechnology

Innovative biotechnology start-up.

Reyedar B.V. - Medical Devices

Innovative start-up in the high-tech medical industry.

ESD-SiC B.V. - Chemical Industry

World leader in the sustainable production of silicon carbide.

Greatwaves B.V. - Information Technology

Market leader in the installation and maintenance of stable and reliable WiFi networks for the business sector.


My curiosity and scientific interests drive me to a variety of collaborations.


You see potential for a fruitful collaboration. 

Contact me on Linkedin or fill in the form below.